Account Updates
- For Web: How do I save or print a lesson?
- For Mobile: How do I reset my password?
- For iOS: How do I access resources?
- For Android: How do I access resources?
- For Web: How do I access resources?
- For Android: How do I view and complete a lesson?
- For iOS: How do I view and complete a lesson?
- For Android: How do I save a resource or lesson?
- For iOS: How do I save a resource or lesson?
- How do I disable personalized Omada push notifications on my mobile device?
- Do you have the latest Android app version?
- How do I add or change my profile photo on my mobile app?
- How do I update my name, phone number, or email address on my mobile app?
- What is my Progress page?
- How do I update the mobile app?
- For Web: How do I view and complete a lesson?
- How do I update my intro note to my group?
- Why didn't I receive a 16-week questionnaire/survey?
- How do I turn off notifications from the mobile app?
- Why doesn't the link to my 16-week survey work?
- How do I update notification preferences? [for Web]
- How can I contact my Focus community through the website?
- How do I update my shipping address?
- How do I view and complete a new Lesson or access Resources on the web?
- How do I add or change my profile picture on the web browser?
- How do I update or create a nickname through a web browser?
- How is my weight-loss goal calculated after the first 16 weeks?
- How do I update my name, phone number, or email address on the web browser?
- Why am I only receiving a single daily email now after my first 16 weeks in the program?
- What can I change in Settings? [for Web]