Thanks to your employer or benefit provider, your Omada membership was fully covered at no cost to you. Unfortunately, your coverage for that benefit has ended, and as a result, your account has been closed or will be closed. We hope you found the program useful and supportive of your personal goals.
Can I continue with Omada out of pocket?
We are glad you had a positive experience with the program! Unfortunately, Omada does not offer self-pay at this time.
How can I keep my account? I have new health insurance.
You can use Omada’s Check Coverage page, linked here to determine if you are eligible under your new coverage. Otherwise, if you are interested in participating in another program that may be available to you, please check in with your HR or benefits department, or call your health plan’s member services (the phone number on the back of your insurance card).
Will my devices (such as scale) still work?
You are welcome to keep and continue to use any device(s) you may have received from Omada as part of the program free of charge, but please note: the device(s) will be disconnected from your account within the two weeks of your account being closed and it will no longer transmit data to Omada.
How do I save my weight chart?
You can transfer your scale readings:
- For Android follow the instructions linked here.
- For iOS follow the instructions linked here.
How do I save or print a lesson?
Please refer to the Help Center article linked here with instructions for how to save a lesson.