If you would like to add a photo of your meals or snacks, please download the Omada app on your mobile device and follow the instructions below.
- Tap the Progress icon at the bottom of your screen. This will take you to your Progress Page.
- Then select Food & Drinks.
- You will see the word “Today” underlined. If you need to upload meals photos for a previous date, toggle between the previous dates by swiping right at the top of your screen until you reach your desired date.
- Please note you will not be able to upload a photo of a meal for a future date.
- Choose the type of meal(s) you would like to enter by tapping Add Breakfast, Add Lunch, Add Dinner, or Add Snack.
- If you’re entering a new meal(s):
- Enter your desired meal(s) in the search bar.
- Tap the meal(s) once it auto-populates.
- Tap Done once you’re finished adding all of your desired meals.
- Enter your desired meal(s) in the search bar.
- If you’d like to enter a meal(s) you’ve previously entered:
- Tap on a previously entered meal(s) under Recent Items.
- Tap Done once you’re finished adding all of your desired meals.
- Tap on a previously entered meal(s) under Recent Items.
- You should now be brought to a page where you are able to add a photo of your meal. Tap the camera icon in the top right hand corner of your screen.
- A prompt should appear asking you to choose between two options:
Take a new photo:
- Take a photo of your meal. Please note: If it’s your first time using the meal photo feature, you may see a pop up asking for permission to access your camera. Tap Allow.
- You may scale the photo size by zooming in or out or you may Retake the photo.
- Once you’re satisfied with the photo, tap Use Photo.
Add an existing photo:
- Upload a meal from your mobile photo album.
- You may scale the photo size by zooming in or out or you may Cancel the photo to add another photo from your mobile photo album.
- Once you’re satisfied with the photo, tap Choose.
Take a new photo:
- Once you have taken a new photo or uploaded an existing photo, the Add Meal page will populate. Here you can complete the following optional actions:
- Edit an existing meal by tapping a meal to edit.
- Remove an existing meal by tapping the X symbol next to the meal.
- Add another item by tapping Add more food.
- Choose the Meal Type by tapping Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, or Snack.
- Select the Meal Size to indicate the portion size of your meal.
- Rate the Healthiness of your meal.
- Select the Food Groups that were included in your meal.
- Select the Preparation method.
- Include any tags to your meal such as celebration, craved food, gave me energy, etc.
- Select your Fullness after your meal.
- Add and adjust a Meal Time by tapping Add a meal time.
- Tap Finish once you are done entering all desired items.
- Once you tap Finish, you will be redirected to your Food & Drinks page which will display all of the meals tracked for the day as well as a Meal summary.
Please note: If you eat at different times, you can use the same category (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, or Snack) multiple times. You do not have to add all of your meals under one category for the same time.
For example: You can track an apple as a snack, add meal time for 6:00 AM, and tap finish. You can then track carrots as another snack, add a meal time for 9:00 AM, and tap finish. These two snacks will show separately in your view.